On October 9, 1963 at 22:39 a landslide detaches from Mount Toc and flows into the reservoir created by the Vajont dam, high 265 m wide and 27. The dam resists, it forms a wave of 50 million m3 of water that destroys downstream Longarone and the countries adjacent to and upstream much of Erto and Casso. In about 4 minutes more than 2000 people die.

Today Longarone is a city that lives in a limbo, without a true identity. Casso is inhabited by 17 people who did not have never gone as well as hosting a modern contemporary art center, the coexistence of a dual reality to search answers. This work, just started, collects the testimonies. The Vajont tragedy, caused by man and his interests, is the largest ever in Italy. They continue to hide the memory and seems to be true only if you get close enough.